Početna / Red Bull King of the Rock svetsko finale 2016
Na terenima KK Crvena zvezda na Malom Kalemegdanu 17. septembra održano je svetsko finale najvežeg turnira u basket 1 na 1 – Red Bull King of the Rocka. Nakon pet godina organizovanja regionalnog finala, u kojem je učsestvovala i agencija Core Media, prestonica Srbija je bila domaćin i velikog finala na kojem je učestvovalo 32 najbolja basketaša planete.
Na zadovoljstvo domaće publike, srpski basketša Stefan Kojić je odneo titulu pobedivši u finalnoj borbi sa 14:12 Litvanca Karolisa Sarukasa. Kojić je nasledio prošlogodišnjeg šampiona, TurčinaKivanča Dinlera, postao prvi srpski prvak svetkog turnira, a ambijent Malog Kalemegdana ispostavio se kao pun pogodak za renomirani turnir, posle Alkatraza, Tajvana i Istanbula. Učesnici koji su došli u Beograd nisu krili oduševljenje, jer je sve bilo podređeno samoj igri, uz broj ljudi kakav se do sada nije viđao u prethodnim svetskim finalima.
Posle čak 64 odigrana turnira širom sveta, u evropsku prestonicu košarke, a sada i basketa, došli su šampioni iz 21 zemlje i sa svih meridijana. Učestvovali su predstavnici od Litvanije do Argentine, svih generacija, a najveću podršku publike imali su domaći takmičari Nebojša Bošković, Nikola Vujović, Stefan Kojić i srpski šampion Bogdan Dragović.
To je bila samo još jedna potvrda da je Srbija zemlja košarke, što je bilo jasno i na svim prethodnim srpskim turnirima Red Bull King of the Rock, koji se održavaju od 2011.
Stefan Kojic (front) from Serbia plays against Vakhtang Kadaria from Georgia during the Red Bull King of the Rock World Finals at the Kalemegdan Court in Belgrade, Serbia on September 17, 2016. // Armin Walcher / Red Bull Content Pool // P-20160917-01380 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to www.redbullcontentpool.com for further information. //
(L-R) Georges Yves from Lebanon plays against Timur Kalieyev from Kazakhstan during the Red Bull King of the Rock World Finals at the Kalemegdan Court in Belgrade, Serbia on September 17, 2016. // Armin Walcher / Red Bull Content Pool // P-20160917-01374 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to www.redbullcontentpool.com for further information. //
Nikola Vujovic (front) from Serbia plays against Alexander Zakharov from Russia during the Red Bull King of the Rock World Finals at the Kalemegdan Court in Belgrade, Serbia on September 17, 2016. // Armin Walcher / Red Bull Content Pool // P-20160917-01368 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to www.redbullcontentpool.com for further information. //
Chung-Chieh Li (front) from Taiwan plays against Amil Hamzayev from Azerbaijan during the Red Bull King of the Rock World Finals at the Kalemegdan Court in Belgrade, Serbia on September 17, 2016. // Armin Walcher / Red Bull Content Pool // P-20160917-01365 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to www.redbullcontentpool.com for further information. //
(L-R) Denis Melniciuc from Moldova plays against Stefan Kojic from Serbia during the Red Bull King of the Rock World Finals at the Kalemegdan Court in Belgrade, Serbia on September 17, 2016. // Armin Walcher / Red Bull Content Pool // P-20160917-01362 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to www.redbullcontentpool.com for further information. //
Stefan Kojic of Serbia seen during the Red Bull King of the Rock World Finals in Belgrade, Serbia on 17 September, 2016 // Predrag Vuckovic/Red Bull Content Pool // P-20160917-01341 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to www.redbullcontentpool.com for further information. //
Overview of the venue seen during the Red Bull King of the Rock World Finals in Belgrade, Serbia on 17 September, 2016 // Predrag Vuckovic/Red Bull Content Pool // P-20160917-01344 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to www.redbullcontentpool.com for further information. //
(L-R) Vakhtang Kadaria from Georgia plays agains Tautvydas Zioba from Lithuania during the Red Bull King of the Rock World Finals at the Kalemegdan Court in Belgrade, Serbia on September 17, 2016. // Armin Walcher / Red Bull Content Pool // P-20160917-01350 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to www.redbullcontentpool.com for further information. //
Competitors pose for a portrait before the Red Bull King of the Rock World Finals in Belgrade, Serbia on 17 September, 2016 // Predrag Vuckovic/Red Bull Content Pool // P-20160917-01353 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to www.redbullcontentpool.com for further information. //
(L-R) Stefan Kojic from Serbia plays against Bogdan Dragovic from Serbia during the Red Bull King of the Rock World Finals at the Kalemegdan Court in Belgrade, Serbia on September 17, 2016. // Armin Walcher / Red Bull Content Pool // P-20160917-01359 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to www.redbullcontentpool.com for further information. //
Stefan Kojic of Serbia, Karolis Sarukas of Lithuania and Alexander Zakharov of Russia celebrate on the podium after the RedBull King Of The Rock World Finals in Belgrade, Serbia on 17 September, 2016 // Predrag Vuckovic/Red Bull Content Pool // P-20160917-01338 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to www.redbullcontentpool.com for further information. //
Nebojsa Boskovic of Serbia plays against Vahtang Kadaria of Georgia during the Red Bull King of the Rock World Finals in Belgrade, Serbia on 17 September, 2016 // Predrag Vuckovic/Red Bull Content Pool // P-20160917-01335 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to www.redbullcontentpool.com for further information. //
Kevin Romenoh of South Africa plays against Fadhel Fares of Kuwait during the Red Bull King of the Rock World Finals in Belgrade, Serbia on 17 September, 2016 // Predrag Vuckovic/Red Bull Content Pool // P-20160917-01317 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to www.redbullcontentpool.com for further information. //
Overview of the venue seen during the Red Bull King of the Rock World Finals in Belgrade, Serbia on 17 September, 2016 // Predrag Vuckovic/Red Bull Content Pool // P-20160917-01314 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to www.redbullcontentpool.com for further information. //
Stefan Kojic of Serbia poses for a portrait with trophy after the Red Bull King of the Rock World Finals in Belgrade, Serbia on 17 September, 2016 // Predrag Vuckovic/Red Bull Content Pool // P-20160917-01308 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to www.redbullcontentpool.com for further information. //
Stefan Kojic of Serbia plays against Karolis Sarukas of Lithuania during the Red Bull King of the Rock World Finals in Belgrade, Serbia on 17 September, 2016 // Predrag Vuckovic/Red Bull Content Pool // P-20160917-01305 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to www.redbullcontentpool.com for further information. //
Nebojsa Boskovic of Serbia plays against Vakhtang Kadaria of Georgia during the Red Bull King of the Rock World Finals in Belgrade, Serbia on 17 September, 2016 // Predrag Vuckovic/Red Bull Content Pool // P-20160917-01299 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to www.redbullcontentpool.com for further information. //
Karolis Sarukas of Lithuania plays against Alexander Zakharov of Russia during the Red Bull King of the Rock World Finals in Belgrade, Serbia on 17 September, 2016 // Predrag Vuckovic/Red Bull Content Pool // P-20160917-01302 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to www.redbullcontentpool.com for further information. //
Stefan Kojic of Serbia plays against Bosko Boskovic of Montenegro during the Red Bull King of the Rock World Finals in Belgrade, Serbia on 17 September, 2016 // Predrag Vuckovic/Red Bull Content Pool // P-20160917-01284 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to www.redbullcontentpool.com for further information. //